News and Events
3rd Quarter Honor Rolls
Middle School
High School
Eclipse Presentations
Some of the high school science students have been visiting elementary classes to teach students about the total eclipse on Monday, April 8. They also focused on how to watch the eclipse safely and protect their eyes.
Maine State Science Fair
Eight students from our school participated in the Maine State Science Fair today (Saturday March 23, 2024). These students were all prepared to go to Orono, but the weather forced the event to go virtual. They had to change up their presentations and prepare to meet the judges virtually. They worked hard and made us proud. Three students won scholarships during the virtual awards ceremony this afternoon.
Prepairing for the solar eclipse
A few high school students visited Francis Malcolm Science Center today to watch the Planetarium Show Totality. Next week this group will visit elementary classrooms to explain the total eclipse and eye safety.
March 15, 2024 - Maple Day
We celebrated Maple Day today. Students taste tested sap and syrup and learned about the process. Unfortunately we don’t have a maple tree on campus, so we demonstrated tapping the trees on the conifers behind the school.
State NHS Convention
Members of the Crusader Chapter of the National Honor Society are representing our school at the state convention in Bangor.
Maple Tree Tapping
Mr. Ouellette and Mrs. Spooner took their classes out on Tuesday morning to tap maple trees. As the season progresses, we will collect and boil the sap to share with the school.
2023-24 Second (2nd) Quarter Honor Roll
2023-2024 All Aroostook Music
Congratulations to Gabriella Berube for being selected for the All Aroostook Music Festival which took place in Ashland on the weekend of January 12 - 15, 2024.
2023-2024 NHS Members
Congratulations to the newest members of the National Honor Society, Isaac Bresett, Levi Duplessis-Pinkham, and Elijah Pinkham.
2023-2024 First (1st) Quarter Honor Rolls
Forestry Skills
The concurrent enrollment forestry class completed a forest inventory this morning using the skills they have learned since the start of the school year.